Climate change.

This week for reading we have gone down the topic of climate change and a natural anti climate change system called a sink. A sink is a natural system that can be in the forset all the way into the sea what it does is obsorb carbon which is  a element where you can find anywhere, in your clothing, in your shoes and even in your microwave. But too much carbon is bad, what happens is when factores burn fuels the smoke gets released in the air and whats in that smoke? Carbon. So when all the carbon gets realeased in the air it creates a layer with the air molecules and the layer of carbon and air can trap heat in and thats why the earth is heating up. But you may think ¨well we have sinks in the earth they can get all the carbon¨ but thats where your wrong, the sinks cant absorb as much carbon as there is being created. And there is still more being created so over time if we cant stop there will be a layer of carbon that cant go away so when the earth heats up most of the living organisms will die which is not good.

For our creates we have made our own ¨sink¨ and put some logos that can help our carbon footprint. We also made a protest poster. For our last one we had to put some conections together between the text and the poem we read to get the infomation we need.

Here are the creates


What do you wonder about climate change?

One thought on “Climate change.

  1. Kia Ora Romeo.
    This is a very good and informational blog.
    I love all the information you did and I loved that you told us about how a bike reduces the amount of carbon being released in the air.